Valley Gardens Middle School is a popular and over-subscribed school situated in the coastal area of Whitley Bay in North Tyneside. There are 740 pupils on roll of which a small percentage are eligible for free school meals, and available data indicates that many pupils enjoy above average ability and are articulate confident learners. Pupils come from a wide catchment area encompassing diverse socio-economic backgrounds. They are well behaved, polite and motivated, respectful of each other and the adults with whom they work. They have a very enthusiastic approach to learning and are keen to make the most of the many opportunities they encounter. The school believes, passionately, in the importance of educating the whole child.
Our school is proud to celebrate its inclusive nature. We have an MLD provision and a number of SEN pupils who participate fully in the life of the school. We vigorously pursue "Active Citizenship" opportunities with all of our youngsters who are really keen to use their entrepreneurial skills and pay a full role in their own, local, European and world communities. The school has worked hard to gain the Healthy School Award, Sportsmark, Artsmark and the full International School Award. Pupils, whole school staff and the local community work collaboratively on a wide variety of health awareness activities throughout the year culminating in a Health Week in the summer term. This programme complements the good practice in the Health Education, Citizenship and PE lessons. Upper school pupils are very keen to plan and lead Activate sessions (movement to music) with pupils in Years 5, 6 and 7.
Our role in the Comenius Project is to work closely and share good practice with our local European partners to address the vital theme of healty lifestyles. Working collaboratively to develop fun and rewarding activities and building up a bank of useful resources will ultimately lead to fewer students following a sedentary way of life and will also raise awareness of our true European identity.